Strange And Creepy Strange and Unexplained Student Makes $100,000 Selling Her Horrifying Furby Creations

Student Makes $100,000 Selling Her Horrifying Furby Creations

The Creepy Furby Collection

Sophie Stark a student from Los Angeles, California has made a ton of money from a furry creepy Furby creation she started as a hobby. Her nightmarish creations of the classic Furby toy have taken the internet by storm. She makes her own variations by using a Furby mold, she then creatures the tiny creatures with spaghetti, bake beans and other food items.

Check out her video below

Video Source – Sophie Stark

The Horror Furby Creations

Some of her most terrifying but cool creations are the Skinby ( a furby with silicone breasts), Meatby ( one made by meat) and Wormby ( one that looks like is made of worms). All these creations have made her over $100,000 so far. Not a bad side gig for a student if you ask me.

She sells her creations via Etsy, so if any of you want to purchse any of these, check out her Etsy page for more information. Sophie began selling her wicked creations at $350-500 each. It started as a hobby and she really didn’t think anyone would buy into the idea, but they did.

Video Source – Sophie Stark

Some people probably wondering why the cost is so high? The reason being is the hours it takes to create just 1 Furby. A regular Furby would go through some kind of production line. Her creations take a few hours to cast and mold, then it takes even longer to paint. I think we all know 1 or 2 people who would like to buy one of these, but at that price?

Check out her Youtube channel here > Sophie Stark

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