20 Hotels You Don’t Want To Stay At Unless You Love Being Scared!

20 Hotels You Don’t Want To Stay At Unless You Love Being Scared! post thumbnail image

The Most Haunted Accommodations On The Planet 

There are various luxurious places to stay like hotels in London, New York City, Paris, and so on. While many of these luxurious locations come with a high price tag for a night’s stay. They come loaded with amenities and gigantic rooms and amazing views. However, even some of these beautiful and expensive accommodations come with more than we pay for, like ghosts…Sometimes the activity is too much to handle, almost like you got a room that someone else already rented out permanently.

So what then?

Do you go to the front desk and politely ask for a new room because the one you’re in already has someone in it? Or do you frantically make your way out of your room and demand you get moved to a room that isn’t haunted? Then again there are some of us that would stay and start recording as many things as possible. Whatever the case, check out the video below and let us know your thoughts.


The Most Haunted Rooms In The World

If you didn’t know, Stephen King got some of his inspiration for “The Shinning” from staying in the haunted hotel room. Others have said to have had bursts of inspiration because of a hotel or hostel they stayed at. Weird, and sometimes paranormal events inspired some of their work. Most of us would probably be too scared to be inspired by anything. However, there are those of us that KNOW we will be scared in the event of something paranormal. But the curiosity of it is enough to keep us wanting to find out more.

Do you have an idea or something for us to showcase? Know somewhere strange to stay the night or that you think we should look into? Have a creepy awesome service or strange carnival/tour you think we should write about? Want us to showcase your talent, pictures, or videos? Send us an email to [email protected].

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