A Look At The Lost Star Wars Short movie ‘Black Angel’

The Lost Star Wars Movie

In the year 1980, there a short movie that came out that was directly tied to the Star Wars movie franchise. It was shown before the theatrical release of The Empire Strikes Back. It was dark, disturbing, and a bit twisted for the time it was released. At the time it wasn’t well liked at all and was pretty much put on the backburner. .Today the movie is getting a ton of attention and it was finally re-released. The movie reminds us of something out of the world of The Lord Of The Rings. Mix that with the old 80’s most Legend that starred Tom Cruise and there you have it.

If you’ve never seen Black Angel, you’re in for a treat. The movie is still cool even though it was released over 40 years ago. Now that different variations of the Star Wars franchise are launching, it’s the perfect time to check out Black Angel. So if you’ve never seen the movie and want to check it out, your wait is over. Check out the video below and let us know what you think. Do you think they should redo this movie and turn it into a whole new section of the Star Wars franchise?


SOURCE – The Screaming Geeks –