Day: January 16, 2020

A Look At Massachusetts Paranormal Hot Spot – The Bridgewater TriangleA Look At Massachusetts Paranormal Hot Spot – The Bridgewater Triangle

Paranormal Energy Center?

30 miles south of Boston lies one of the most mysterious areas known as the “Bridgewater Triangle”. It’s a 200-mile vortex of unexplained creepy activity. It’s home to a ton of paranormal activity, animal mutilation, ufo sightings, poltergeists, and all kinds of other crazy things. No one knows really why there is so much activity within this area except for the fact that it could be due to it being a strong energy vortex of some kind.

Loren Coleman, a renowned cyrptozooglist in the 1970s was the first to token the name “Bridgewater Triangle.” The triangle includes various towns in the area that are within a 200-mile radius. Reports from this area have been coming in since the mid-1700s. The first report was of some mysterious “sphere of fire” that those who saw said it was brighter than the sun.

There have been numerous accounts of animal mutilation, some under some rather odd circumstances. Others have been said to have been drained of all of their blood through puncture wounds. The area has had enough reports to fill a volume of books and finally, it will be getting a TV show this coming year.

Check out a few of the videos we found about the area. Let us know your thoughts on what’s going on here. Do you live or have lived in that area or possibly know someone who has a creepy story to tell about an area? send it to [email protected]

Check out this video we found by Nightmind and let us know your thoughts

Video Source – Nightmind

The Museum Of Bad Art – Where Failures Are CelebratedThe Museum Of Bad Art – Where Failures Are Celebrated

Where Bad Art Is Good Art

The museum of bad art is originally located in Dedham, Massachusetts. It also has branches in various other parts of the state. The motto for the museum is “To celebrate the labor of artists who would be displayed and appreciated in no other forum”.  Imagine being an artist and putting your heart and soul into a project only for it to come out looking like a 3rd art class production.  I know I can’t create anything and honestly, so my old work would probably fit in very well in one of these museums.

The museum has over 700 pieces of art and they display around 25-30 pieces at a time. MOBA was started in 1994 by the owner and artist Scott Wilson after getting the idea from a painting he recovered from the trash. His thought was that every city has a museum dedicated to the best art, but what about the worst art? So he decided to create the museum and it surprisingly took off, talk about some good art!

Not just any artwork can be displayed in the museum. It has to be original artwork and has to have a serious vibe to it. So in other words it has to be made by a real artist and someone who actually took their time and effort on the piece. However, not everyone is on board with the project and some critics are saying it’s bad for art in general and distasteful.

We think it’s a great idea, and who is to say what good art is from bad art? Well, there are a lot of pieces of good art that don’t look like much, but then again some of the paintings in the bad art museum look like they were created just for that place.

Check out the video post we found on this place and let us know your thoughts!

Video Source – Somerville Neighborhood News

Video Source – Kool Buildings

Do you have a video or photographs of something creepy, cool, strange, odd, or somewhere in-between? Think they’re a good fit for our site and want to get your stuff showcased? Email us at [email protected] and let us know what you have in mind!

Family Throws Away Haunted Elsa Doll Twice And It Mysteriously Keeps Coming BackFamily Throws Away Haunted Elsa Doll Twice And It Mysteriously Keeps Coming Back

The Frozen doll speaks in 2 languages, hasn’t had its battery changed in 6 years. Operates while switched off….

Wait What?

A family from Texas seems to be having some bad luck with a Elsa doll from the movie “Frozen”. They keep getting rid of the doll they say is “haunted” and it keeps coming back somehow. The family got the doll as a Christmas present in 2013 and has been having some odd problems with it ever since. The doll speaks both English and Spanish, but the odd part is that the doll wasn’t able to do so for about 2 years. Then out of nowhere the doll started speaking Spanish while the toy was turned off.

Odd things started to happen when the doll was around. It was start singing in the middle of the  night even though it was switched off. The other creepy thing is that they NEVER changed the batteries, yet the toy kept working. I don’t know any toy that would work after 6 years without changing batteries. They ended up throwing the doll away and somehow it came back. No one in the family remembers bringing the toy back inside, but somehow it ended back in the house.

They ended up getting rid of the toy again, this time they used a bit more caution and attention when doing so. They put it in some garbage bags and put it at the bottom of the trash can and thought that was it. Then sometime later they found out it was in the backyard, that’s when things got really strange. They ended up getting rid of it again and they hope this time it will be gone for good, but who knows.

Ok guys, seriously, we need help. To recap for those of you who have not been following our Elsa doll saga, Mat threw it away weeks ago and then we found it inside a wooden bench. Okay….so we were weirded out and tightly wrapped it in its own garbage bag and put that garbage bag INSIDE another garbage bag filled with other garbage and put it in the bottom of our garbage can underneath a bunch of other bags of garbage and wheeled it to the curb and it was collected on garbage day. Great, right? We went out of town, forgot about it. Today Aurélia says “Mom, I saw the Elsa doll again in the backyard.” <chills> HELP US GET RID OF THIS HAUNTED DOLL

Check out this video post about the incident, have you ever had something like this happen to you before?

Video Source – K2PRC Click2Houston