The Jeepers Creepers Demon
A Reddit user got way more than she bargained for when she shot a home video for her best friend. She was alone in her room inside her family home. So she would know if anyone else would be in the house with her at any given time. In the video, a red demon-like face that looks similar to the horror movie “Jeepers Creepers” seems to pop out for a second then vanish.

The picture does give you a creepy vibe from it. According to iHorror, a friend of this girl said that the house has been having some problems. Some type of entity is active in the house and it seems to be a demon. There are those that think the whole thing is just a hoax. But if this happened to you, what would you do about it?
Check out the video down below and let us know your thoughts.
Video source- Tales From Out There
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