Strange And Creepy Strange and Unexplained You Can Create Your Own Galaxy When You Pour Liquid Into These Cups

You Can Create Your Own Galaxy When You Pour Liquid Into These Cups

You Can Create Your Own Galaxy When You Pour Liquid Into These Cups post thumbnail image

Galaxy Sake Cups

Have you ever had a drink and stopped before you took a drink to look inside of your cup? Usually you’re either deep in thought or looking to see if there’s something in your cup that shouldn’t be in there. But what if you looked into your cup and saw something amazing like a galaxy?


Japanese artist Hiromi Sato is an amazing artist that takes steel sake cups and turned them into mini galaxies. He specifically handcrafts each steel cup with a gold dust finish to create the awesome illusion. The cups are designed to hold sake, so the more you drink the crazier the experience gets.

Source – Oddity Mall

The cups are created using a technique called “oxidative coloring.” The results are varied due to the thickness of the film on the surface of the cup. So each cup comes out different with an insane illusion, so you’ll never know what you’re going to get.

The prices of the cups are about $100 a piece but while it may sound like a lot for one of these cups, it really isn’t. The process and the detail behind it are insanely hard and you’re not going to find another cup like this anywhere else in the world.

Want to see their site? Check it out here > Sake Galaxy Cups

Source – Oddity Mall

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