Day: April 26, 2015

This Indiana Home Is Said To Be The Most Haunted In The StateThis Indiana Home Is Said To Be The Most Haunted In The State

The Most Haunted Home In Indiana

The history behind Indiana’s most haunted home, the “Monroe House” is one that’s debatable. There are those who say nothing at all has happened there and that’s all just a bunch of made up stories. Then you have others that will tell you the complete opposite and that the house is the real deal when it comes to the paranormal and otherworldly.

Past occupants have reported that there is some sort of unholy presence that occupies the place. The house has had many stories about it that it’s been dubbed “the demon house” because of it. The history behind the house sounds like something from a horror movie. It’s murky at best, but also rather terrifying if any or all of it is true. It’s the kind of stuff that nightmares are made from.

What is known is the house has been in that location since the late 1800’s. It suffered a few different fires and there were a few deaths on the property. In 2016 during an episode of “Paranormal Lockdown”. Human remains were found in the basement in a crawl space. The remains were turned over to the police. They found the bones were over 100 years old, leading some to believe this may be the cause for some of the activity.

Some think the deaths have to do with the problems that occur within the house. Could it be targeting certain people and that’s why only some say there’s something going on there and others don’t? Check out the video below we found and let us know your thoughts.

*Source – FOURMAN04

Indiana’s Haunted House

With all of the activity and paranormal history behind the house. It’s hard to say that it’s all inside of the mind. There has to be some truth to the fact that it could be harboring some kind of evil entity, especially after they found some bones in a crawl space.

Check out this video we found by Ghouly TV and let us know your thoughts. is the home haunted or not?

Video Source – Ghouly TV

Do you have an idea or something for us to showcase? Know somewhere strange to stay the night or that you think we should look into? Have a creepy awesome service or strange carnival/tour you think we should write about? Want us to showcase your talent, pictures, or videos? Send us an email to [email protected].

This Japanese Urban Legend Is The Stuff Of NightmaresThis Japanese Urban Legend Is The Stuff Of Nightmares



The Japanese Urban Legend

The Japanese urban legend of Kuchisake-onna the woman with the slit mouth started in the late 1970s. Supposedly an old woman spotted the young woman with the slit mouth standing in her garden. News of the story spread, but also did different variations of it. In some stories, she was carrying a sickle, in others wearing a red coat. Stories spread and so did the fear of it all. 

Kuchisake-onna is supposedly the ghost of a woman who has come back for vengeance. Her mouth is slit from ear to ear, and if you come face to face with her she asks you a question. If you don’t answer the question correctly she will slash you. 

Check out the video post and let us know your thoughts on it. 

Video Source – Infographics Live


Fear Brought To Life?

Some say the Japanese urban legend of the slit-mouthed woman and other Japanese scary urban legends are the product of fear. Some people spread these stories as a means to try and steer the youth from being out at night. There wasn’t any social media, net, or anything of that nature. So when stories like these were told, people would listen to them. They would also not dismiss them as just stories, they would honor the warning. 

Check out this other video we found by Nightmare Tales as they tell you the tale of the Japanese urban legend. 

Video Source – Nightmare Tales

Do you have an idea or something for us to showcase? Know somewhere strange to stay the night or that you think we should look into? Have a creepy awesome service or strange carnival/tour you think we should write about? Want us to showcase your talent, pictures, or videos? Send us an email to [email protected].


Whatever You Do, Do Not Let Them In – The Black Eyed Kids!Whatever You Do, Do Not Let Them In – The Black Eyed Kids!

The Black Eyed Kids

The Black Eyed Children phenomenon is a mysterious and eerie occurrence that has been reported by numerous people around the world. These entities are said to be children with completely black eyes, who appear out of nowhere and ask for help or permission to enter someone’s home or vehicle.

The sightings of these beings have been reported since the late 1990s, and they continue to intrigue and terrify those who hear about them. Despite the many reports, there is still much debate and speculation surrounding the true nature of the Black Eyed Children. In this article, we will explore the reported sightings, theories, and explanations surrounding this strange phenomenon.

In 2012 there was a movie inspired by the horror legend. There was also stories featured in various television shows about the black eyed kids. There are a few books on strange encounters and first-hand experiences. But what do these kids or creatures want?

Many people have reported sightings and encounters with the mysterious Black Eyed Children. These sightings often occur at night, when individuals are alone or in small groups. The children are said to appear suddenly, often knocking on doors or car windows, asking for help or requesting to be let inside.

Witnesses describe feeling a sense of dread or fear when encountering these children, as their eyes are completely black and seem to lack any emotion or humanity. Some have reported feeling hypnotized or paralyzed by their gaze.

Reports of Black Eyed Children sightings have come from all over the world, with many accounts sharing similar details. However, skeptics argue that these sightings could be attributed to hoaxes, sleep paralysis, or even hallucinations.

Despite the skepticism, those who have encountered the Black Eyed Children remain convinced of their existence and continue to share their stories online and in person. The mystery surrounding these eerie beings only adds to their intrigue and fascination.

Could this be real?

Check out the video by Storied and see what you think.

Video Source – Storied

Alien Abduction Or Paranormal Phenomenon?

There are several theories and explanations that attempt to shed light on the mysterious Black Eyed Children phenomenon. One theory suggests that these entities are extraterrestrial or interdimensional beings that have the ability to manipulate human perception and behavior. According to this theory, the Black Eyed Children may be attempting to study or interact with humans for unknown reasons.

Another theory proposes that the Black Eyed Children are actually ghosts or spirits of deceased children who are seeking help or attention from the living. This theory is supported by reports of encounters in which the Black Eyed Children appear to be lost, confused, or in distress.

A more skeptical explanation suggests that the Black Eyed Children are simply a product of mass hysteria or urban legend. According to this explanation, reports of sightings and encounters are the result of people’s imaginations running wild or being influenced by popular culture.

Finally, some researchers believe that the Black Eyed Children may be a manifestation of a psychological or neurological condition. This theory suggests that people who report encounters with the Black Eyed Children may be experiencing hallucinations or other symptoms related to mental illness.

Despite the various theories and explanations, the true nature of the Black Eyed Children phenomenon remains a mystery. Whether they are extraterrestrial beings, ghosts, products of mass hysteria, or something else entirely, the reported sightings and encounters continue to fascinate and intrigue believers and skeptics alike.

Video Source – Dave Reese Customs

After exploring reported sightings, theories, and explanations surrounding the mysterious Black Eyed Children phenomenon, it’s clear that there is no definitive answer to what these entities are or where they come from. Some believe they are supernatural beings, while others think they could be extraterrestrial or interdimensional in nature. Skeptics argue that the sightings are simply hoaxes or misidentifications of ordinary people or animals.

Regardless of one’s beliefs, it’s undeniable that the stories of encounters with Black Eyed Children continue to captivate and terrify many. Whether they are real or not, the fear they inspire speaks to a deep-seated human fascination with the unknown and the unexplained.

Perhaps one day we will have concrete evidence to explain the Black Eyed Children phenomenon, but until then, it remains a mystery that continues to intrigue and unsettle those who dare to delve into its murky depths.

Do you have a video or photographs of something creepy, cool, strange, or odd or somewhere in-between? Think they’re a good fit for our site and wan to get your stuff showcased? Email us at [email protected] and let us know what you have in mind!

*Source – Wikipedia –
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