Get Up Close With This Terrifying Virtual Walkthrough of Chernobyl

Chernobyl Virtual Tour

If you liked the virtual tour of the Paris Catacombs, you’re going to enjoy this one. We found another one of the most terrifying and haunted places on the planet: Chernobyl. Over 30 years ago Chernobyl’s Nuclear Power Plant went into a meltdown. The town’s population of just under 50,000 people had to be immediately evacuated.

People just had to up and everything, as is to escape to safety. It didn’t matter what you left behind, you had to get out or die. A lot of people ended up passing away in the process, and now the city is a ghost town. For years it was dangerous to even get close to the city without risking the chance of a horrible death due to radiation.


As the years progressed the radiation levels have dropped. But have they dropped enough that people can go and walk around? Who knows, but what we do know is there are people who have braved the conditions and walked around the town.

Some of the videos and pictures are eerie and really creepy. It’s almost like everyone vanished into thin air without a moment’s notice. Check out the virtual tours and let us know your thoughts.

Check out the tour here > VIRTUAL TOUR 1

Check out the tour here > VIRTUAL TOUR 2

Video Source – The Wall Street Journal

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